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Proxy Server


Cavalry can be set up to make its https request to the licence server via a proxy server. This is commonly necessary within corporate networks.

Set Up

To set this up simply open the Web Proxy roll down on the Sign In window and enter your details.

Enable - Enable/ disable the server.

Address - The IP and Port Number. e.g.

Username - Enter your username (optional).

Password - Enter your password (optional).


Note - in order to retrospectively change these settings go Help > Sign Out to bring up the Sign In window.

Legacy Set Up


The below is a legacy method. It still works but will be deprecated. The Sign In Window above is the primary solution.

  • Create a text file called web_proxy.json containing the following code (replacing the url and port number with appropriate settings for your network):
"address": ""
  • Place this file in:
    • macOS - ~/Library/Preferences/Cavalry/
    • Windows - C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Cavalry\
  • Restart Cavalry
  • Sign in.

AppData and ~/Library are hidden folders. To find them:

  • Windows - check 'Hidden Items' in the View options for Explorer.
  • macOS - in Finder, Library will appear holding Option/Alt when opening the Go menu.
Download an example file.↓ Download

Further flags can be added to the file if required.

"address": "",
"enabled": true,
"username": "yourUsername",
"password": "yourPassword"
  • address → string - (required) Enter the proxy IP.
  • enabled → bool - (optional) Enter true/false to enable/disable the proxy.
  • username → string - (optional) Enter a username for proxies which require authentication.
  • password → string - (optional) Enter a password for proxies which require authentication.
Download an example template.↓ Download