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Apply Layout

Experimental Feature

This is an experimental feature. To enable, check Enable Experimental Features in Preferences. Experimental features are only available as part of a Professional licence.


The Apply Layout Behaviour can be used to stack Shapes within a Sub-Mesh.


Layout - Select how Shapes are laid out:

Size - Set the dimensions of the Layout Shape. By default, this is connected to the Composition's Resolution attribute. To manually set this value, remove this connection.

Level - Manually set the Level value. See Sub-Mesh for more info on Levels.

Vertical Alignment - Align the layout towards the top or bottom.

Horizontal Alignment - Align the layout towards the left or right.

Column Span - When using a Grid Layout use this attribute to span several columns.

Row Span - When using a Grid Layout use this attribute to span several rows.

  1. Create an Ellipse.
  2. With the Ellipse selected, click the Duplicator icon in the Shelf.
  3. In the Attribute Editor, set Distribution Type to Point.
  4. Click the + next to the Deformer attribute on the Duplicator.
  5. Choose Apply Layout from the list.
  6. Right click on the Ellipse's Radius attribute and choose 'Add Behaviour > Random'.
  7. Set the Random's Minimum to 50 and Maximum to 200.
  8. Scrub the Seed attribute on the Random Behaviour.