Levels Filter
Remap the black and white levels of a Layer to correct its tonal range and color balance.

Histogram - Displays an analysis of the Layer. The Channel can be used to filter which channels are displayed.
Like any other Filter, the Levels Filter can be connected to more than one Layer. In this situation, the histogram will display the levels for the 'highest Layer in the stack'. For example, with two Shapes in a Composition connected to the same Levels Filter, the histogram will display the levels for the Shape above the other in the layer stack.
Toggle the visibility of the Layers on top to display the histogram for Layers below.
Channel - Select a channel to affect:
- RGB - Affect all channels.
- Red - Only affect the red channel.
- Green - Only affect the green channel.
- Blue - Only affect the blue channel.
- Alpha - Only affect the alpha channel.
In Black - Any input values below this value are considered to be black and remapped to the Out Black level.
In White - Any input values above this value are considered to be white and remapped to the Out White level.
Out Black - Set the output black level.
Out White - Set the output white level.
Gamma - Set the gamma correction applied to the input values where values greater/less than 1
will darken/lighten a Layer.