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Noise Shader


Create a coherent noise effect from Perlin, Value or Cellular noise.


Common Attributes +

Noise Type - Select the noise type:

  • Perlin Noise
  • Simplex Noise
  • Cellular Noise

Scale - Increase/ decrease the scale of the noise [x,y].

Offset - Offset the noise position in x the y directions.

Minimum - Set a minimum value for the noise (0 = black).

Maximum - Set a maximum value for the noise (1 = white).

Time - This attribute is automatically connected to the comp's frame number. Disconnect it for static Noise.

Time Scale - Increase/ decrease the speed of the noise.

Frequency - Increase/ decrease the frequency of the noise.

Amplitude - Multiplies the Minimum and Maximum values.

Octaves - The number of octaves over which the noise function is calculated. Each octave is at about twice the frequency, i.e., half the size of the previous one, but this can be altered with the Lacunarity control.

Lacunarity - A higher value will create more or larger 'gaps'.


Lacunarity is from the Latin lacuna, meaning "gap" or "lake". 😉

Gain -

Fractal Mode -

  • FBM
  • Turbulent -
  • Ridged -

Ridge Offset -

Curl Noise -

Curl Amount -


The Material Sampler does not currently support SkSL Shaders (which includes the Noise Shader).