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Common Attributes (Shapes)


Most Shapes in Cavalry include the common attributes listed below.


Position - Set the Shape's position. 0,0 is in the centre of the Composition.

Rotation - Set the Shape's rotation (in degrees).

Scale - Set the Shape's scale.

Skew - Slant or shear the Shape along the X or Y axis.

Pivot - Define the pivot point for the shape. This is useful when animating rotation and scale.

Opacity - Set the Shape's opacity.

Blend Mode - Set the blend mode.

Deformers - A list of connected Deformers. Use the + button to create and connect a Behaviour or drag and drop an existing one to connect it.

Filters - A list of connected Filters. Use the + button to create and connect a Filter or drag and drop an existing one to connect it.

Motion Blur - Enable/disable motion blur:

  • None - No motion blur.
  • Full - Enable Full motion blur. Ensure Motion Blur is also enabled for the Composition by either clicking the icon at the top of the Scene Tree or checking Motion Blur in the Composition Settings window.
  • Transform Only (Fast) - Enable Transform Only motion blur.