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Asset from Smart Folder

Pro Feature

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The Asset from Smart Folder can be used to reference assets (images, videos, audio etc) contained within a Smart Folder. See Image Smart Folder or Audio Smart Folder.


Mode - Choose how to reference the assets:

  • Path - Reference assets via their filename/ filepath.
  • Auto Index - Reference assets via their index. This is useful for using Smart Folders in a Duplicator. Smart Folders are ordered alphabetically so setting the mode to Auto Index will output the assets in the same order.
  • Specific Index - Set a specific index within a Smart Folder to output. Either set a value or connect a Behaviour to pass different indices to each context.

Smart Folder Asset - Connect an Image Smart Folder or Audio Smart Folder from the Assets Window to this attribute.

Path - Enter a filename, or connect a Spreadsheet or Array that includes the filenames of the assets contained within the Smart Folder.

Index - Set an specific index or connect a Behaviour.


Right click on a Smart Folder in the Assets Window and choose View File Paths... to preview an asset's index.

  1. Import a Smart Folder containing the files apple.png, orange.png and banana.png.
  2. Drag that Smart Folder from the Assets Window into the Attribute Editor or Viewport.
  3. Create an String Array.
  4. Add two more indices using the +Add button and enter apple.png, orange.png and banana.png into each.
  5. Connect the String Array to the Asset from Smart Folder's Path attribute.
  6. Uncheck Auto Index on the String Array and enter 1 into the Index.

The image should change from an apple to an orange.

Try swapping the String Array for a Spreadsheet and connecting the Render Manager's Dynamic Index to its Index.