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Index to Color


Map a gradient to each index to set the colors of Shapes within a sub-mesh (Duplicator, Text, etc).


Value - The point along the gradient to output (0 = far left, 1 = far right).

Gradient Mode - Select an interpolation for the Gradient. See Gradient.

Gradient - Set the color values. See Gradients.

Reverse - Reverse/invert the gradient.

  1. Create a Basic Shape.
  2. With the Shape selected, click the Duplicator icon in the Shelf.
  3. Create an Index to Color.
  4. Connect > basicShape.fill.color

Each duplicate will be colored sequentially along the gradient.

  1. Create a Basic Shape.
  2. With the Shape selected, click the Duplicator icon in the Shelf.
  3. Create an Index to Color.
  4. Connect > basicShape.fill.color
  5. Uncheck Use Incoming Index under the Index to Color's Advanced tab.
  6. Right click on the Index to Color's Value > Add Behaviour > Random.
  7. Set the Random's Maximum to 1.

Each duplicate will be given a random color along the gradient.