Nulls are drawable (visible in the viewport) but not renderable (won't show up in any output). They are most commonly used in rigging but often find uses in many other applications.
Shape - Set the type of Null.
- Cross -
- Circle -
- Square -
Custom Color - By default a Null will use its label color but with Custom Color checked the Null will use the color set by the Color attribute.
Color - Set a custom color for the Null.
Limit Position - When enabled the Null will be limited to values between the Minimum and Maximum Position values.
Minimum Position - Set a value to limit the Null's minimum position [x,y].
Maximum Position - Set a value to limit the Null's maximum position [x,y].
Draw Position Limits - Show the position limits in the viewport.
Limit Rotation - When enabled the Null will be limited to values between the Minimum and Maximum Rotation values.
Minimum Rotation - Set a value to limit the Null's minimum rotation.
Maximum Rotation - Set a value to limit the Null's maximum rotation.
Limit Scale - When enabled the Null will be limited to values between the Minimum and Maximum Scale controls.
Minimum Scale - Set a value to limit the Null's minimum scale [x,y].
Maximum Scale- Set a value to limit the Null's maximum scale [x,y].
The hotkey Shift + Cmd/Ctrl + = will create a Null.