Transform Constraint
Constrain one Shape to another.
Target - The Shape to constrain to.
Offset - Add/subtract a value to the Shape's original position.
Rest Position - The position a Shape will return to when Position Strength is set to 0.
Rest Offset - Add/subtract a value to the Rest Position.
Rest Rotation - The rotation your Shape will return to when Rotation Strength is set to 0.
Rotated Offset - Add/subtract a value to the Rest Rest Rotation.
Position Strength - A multiplier to Out Position. Adjusting this value will determine the position of your Shape along a vector between 0, 0 and the transform of your Target.
Out Position [read only] - Shows the [x, y] values being output by the Constraint. Where the Id connection combines both the x and y positions this attribute allows you to connect the separate [x, y] attributes to other layers.
Rotation Strength - A multiplier to Out Rotation.
Out Rotation - Connect this attribute to the rotation of another Shape.
Pick up a Shape with another Shape:
The quick way:
- Follow steps 1-6 below (the long way).
- Move to frame 50.
- Select the Constraint.
- Navigate to Animation > Constraints > Transform Constraint Tools > Pick Up.
- Move to frame 150.
- Navigate to Animation > Constraints > Transform Constraint Tools > Drop
Now Hand should 'pick up' Ball at frame 50 and then 'drop' it again at frame 75.
The long way:
- Create 2 Shapes
- Name one 'Hand' and the other 'Ball'.
- Create a Transform Constraint.
- Connect constraint.outPosition→ball.position.
- Connect Hand as your Target. on the Constraint.
- Set 2 position.x keys (fr0 = -200, fr200 = 200) for Hand (animate it horizontally).
- Set Position Strength on the Constraint to 0 for both X and Y.
- On frame 50, copy Hand's Position X value and paste it into the Constraint's Rest Position X.
- Set a key on Rest Position X.
- Go back one frame.
- Set a key on Position Strength X with a value of 0.
- Go forward one frame.
- Set a key on Position Strength X with a value of 100.
- Go to the first frame.
- Hit play.
At frame 50 Hand should 'pick up' Ball.
- Move to frame 74.
- Set a key for Position Strength X (should be a value of 100).
- Move to frame 75.
- Copy Hand's Position X value and paste it into the Constraint's Rest Position X.
- Set a key on Rest Position X.
- Set a key for Position Strength X with a value of 0.
- Go to the first frame.
- Hit play.
Now Hand should 'pick up' Ball at frame 50 and then 'drop' it again at frame 75.