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2.3 Release Notes

Release date: 11th December 2024

File Version Bump

Scenes created in Cavalry 2.2.1 or earlier will be converted when opening them in Cavalry 2.3. The file will be copied to a new Scene which will need saving – you'll notice the legacy Scene will be named <yourSceneName> [Converted].cv on opening. Any Scenes saved in 2.3 onwards will not be fully compatible with any previous versions of Cavalry.

New Features





  • Layer Seed - Generate unique values for individual output connections.


API Module

Script UIs


  • Attribute Editor Previews - certain Layers now include previews at the top of their Attribute Editor UIs to help visualise their effect.
  • Column Count for the Spreadsheet Utility.
  • Copy as SVG added to the Edit menu.
  • Corner rounding options added to the Text Shape's Background Shape.
  • It's now possible to set the colour of the Viewport's canvas in Preferences.
  • Compositions now display FPS and Resolution tags in the Assets Window.
  • A scroll bar has been added to the Preferences window.
  • The SkSL Shader now:
    • Supports sampling other Shaders. A new Demo Scene has been added to Create > Demo Scenes > Custom Shaders and Filters > Sample Image Shader.
    • Has a new (less trippy!) default.
    • Includes a resolution built in uniform.
  • The 'hello' animation from the Cavalry 2.2 release promo has been added to Create > Demo Scenes > Illustration > Gradient along a Path.
  • A Pro tag is now added to Layers in the Scene Tree to help Starter users clean up Compositions that contain Professional features in order to disable Restricted Mode.
  • Duplicating a Composition will now also duplicate the attributes that have been added to the Control Centre.
  • Right click the Create a Composition button in the Assets Window to apply a Preset to a new Composition.
  • When a Component is in non-edit mode, selecting it will no longer preview the Shapes contained within it.
  • api.create() now includes an optional allowDefaultPreset argument.
  • attrId, isArray, isCompound and isDynamic keys have been added to getAttributeDefinition
  • The JavaScript Console (both window and panel) is now editable meaning notes can be added and its contents can be copied to the clipboard.
  • The Pathfinder's accuracy for deformation, especially for closed Shapes, has been improved.

Notable Bug Fixes

  • When the Image Shader's Scale Mode is set to Fit, the image will now align to the centre of the Shape. Note that legacy Scenes that previously aligned to the top/left will not auto-update. In order to update a file, either create a new Image Shader to replace the existing one or run api.set(layerId, {"legacyGraph": false}); (replace layerId with the Image Shader's layerId) in the JavaScript Editor.
  • Fixed an issue where an Align connected to a Shape could cause its Image Shader to 'slide'. Note that this will still occur if the Image Shader's Scale Mode is set to Fit Vertically or Fit Horizontally.
  • Composition previews no longer appear when dragging Compositions across windows.
  • The 'next point preview' draw for the Pen tool has been reinstated.
  • Gradient Mode for Index to Color is now working again.
  • Markdown styling is now ignored when using setText() for a Label. HTML tags (e.g. <b>Bold</b>) continue to be supported by plain and markdown text.
  • When closing the Sign In window, the confirmation dialogue has now been fixed.
  • Several issues where the ids within list inputs (e.g. Forge Bodies) could become non-sequential have been resolved.
  • A harmless error when undoing adding an index to a Math Distribution has been removed.
  • The values in the Graph Editor footer now clear correctly when there is no keyframe selection.
  • An issue with Modulate's default Divisor value has been resolved.


  • The Basic Shape's Shape Type attribute had been renamed to Primitive Type.
  • The Composition tab has been removed from the Preferences window as these options can now be applied via the new Presets feature.
  • A previously undiscovered issue with Blend Modes for the RGB Split Filter was revealed by more general upgrades in Cavalry 2.2. This could result in visual changes from scenes created in Cavalry 2.1 or earlier in certain cases. A further small fix has been made in 2.3 but this issue will not be 'unfixed' so manual changes may be required when opening older Scenes.