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The Gradient widget appears on several Layers including the Gradient Shader, Gradient Map Filter, Index to Color and Color Blend.


Gradient Mode

Most Layers that include a gradient widget will also include a Gradient Mode attribute:

Gradient Mode - Select an interpolation for the gradient:

  • RGB Interpolation - Interpolate between colors along a straight line across the color wheel.
  • HSV Interpolation (Short Path) - Interpolate between colors around the color wheel via the shortest path.
  • HSV Interpolation (Long Path) - Interpolate between colors around the color wheel via the longest path.
An illustration of how the mode affects the output of a gradient with two Color Stops.


To create a new Color Stop, position the cursor along the gradient and click.

To adjust a Color Stop's properties, select a Color Stop and then adjust the attributes below the gradient:

  • Position - Set the position of the selected Color Stop along the gradient (0-1).
  • Jitter - Add noise to the interpolation curve based on its intensity. Jitter will be added between the selected Stop and the next one to its right. Note - this attribute is only available on the Gradient Shader and Gradient Map Filter
  • Color - Set the color of the selected Color Stop. It's also possible to double click a Color Stop to pop up a color window and adjust its color there.

Option/Alt + click + drag a Color Stop to duplicate it.

Hold Cmd/Ctrl to select multiple Color Stops.

Swatches from the Color Window can be dragged and dropped onto any part of the gradient's row. The Color for any selected Color Stops will be updated.


A Color Stop's Position and Color attributes can be animated or connected to.


Right click on the gradient to pop up the following options:

  • Copy Gradient - Copy the Color Stops to the clipboard.
  • Paste Gradient - Paste any Color Stops copied to the clipboard to a gradient attribute.
  • Adjust Colors (HSV) - Perform an HSV color adjustment across all Color Stops in the gradient.
  • Distribute Stops - Distribute all Color Stops evenly across the width of the gradient.
  • Subdivide Gradient - Add new Color Stops half way between any existing Color Stops.
  • Reverse Stop Positions - Flip the gradient's Color Stops. Note that this does not affect the Jitter or Interpolation settings.
  • Shuffle Stop Positions - Randomly swap the positions of the Color Stops.
  • Shift Stops Left - Shuffle each Color Stop to the position of the next Color Stop to its left. The furthest left Color Stop will move round to the Color Stop on the furthest right side of the gradient.
  • Shift Stops Right - Shuffle each Color Stop to the position of the next Color Stop to its right. The furthest right Color Stop will move round to the Color Stop on the furthest left side of the gradient.
  • Select All - Select all Color Stops.
  • Invert Selection - Deselect the selected Color Stops and select the unselected Color Stops.
  • Select Same Color - Select all Color Stops that have the same color as the selected Color Stop.
  • Set Interpolation - Set the interpolation for how the selected Color Stop's color will blend to the next Color Stop's color:
    • Linear - Apply a linear (straight) curve.
    • Stepped - Apply a stepped curve.
    • Smooth - Apply a smooth curve.
    • Crush - Apply curve which is shallow at either end and steep in the middle.
    • Smooth Blend - Apply a smooth curve.
    • Contrast - Apply a curve which is steep at either end and shallow in the middle.
  • Save Gradient to Palette - Create a new Library Palette in the Color Window where each Color Stop is used to create a swatch.