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Color Window


Create and manage Library Palettes, Label Palettes and Scene Palettes.

Color window


To set a color either:

  • Move the white rings in the color wheel UI.
  • Use the Eye Dropper icon to pick any color within the app.

The color swatch can be drag and dropped onto Shapes in the Viewport or to the Palettes below.

Colors can also be set by manually entering Hex, RGB or HSV values:

  • Hex - Enter a hexadecimal color code (e.g. #4ffd7a).
  • RGB - Enter an RGB (Reg, Green, Blue) color (e.g. 79,253,122).
  • HSV - Enter an HSV (Hue, Saturation and Value) color (e.g. 134, 68, 99).
Auto-complete Hex

Where hex codes contain repeated sequences of characters or numbers, they will be auto-completed. For example, entering AB and then hitting Return will result in #ABABAB.

Library Palettes

To add a swatch, drag the color swatch from the Color Widget above into the Library Palette.

Clicking a swatch in the Library Palette will change the color in the Color Widget.

To set a Shape's Fill or Stroke Color:

  • Drag a swatch directly onto a Shape in the Viewport to set its Fill Color.
  • Drag swatches from the palette onto the Fill or Stroke Color attribute in the Attribute Editor on a Layer's color.
  • With a Layer's Fill or Stroke Color attribute selected in the Attribute Editor, click a swatch.
  • With a Shape selected:
    • Click a swatch to set a Shape's Fill color (requires Fill to be checked).
    • Option/Alt + click a swatch to enable a Shape's Fill and set its color.
    • Shift + click a swatch to enable a Shape's Stroke and set its color.

Options menu:

  • New Palette... - Create a new palette.
  • Library - Select the library of palettes to load into the Library Palette drop down menu.
  • Import... - Import an existing palette.
  • Save As... - Save a version of the palette.
  • Rename Palette... - Rename the palette.
  • Reveal in Finder/Explorer... - Reveal the palette within your file system.
  • Set Gradient from Palette - Set the color stops for a Gradient attribute selected in the Attribute Editor.
  • Create Array from Palette - create a Color Array pre-populated with the colors in the palette.

Cavalry supports importing .pal and .ase (Adobe® Swatch Exchange) filetypes.

Scene Palettes

Color swatches in the Scene Palette are hidden Layers and so can be used to create shared connections between Shapes. They are also saved with the scene.


A Scene Palette swatch can be used to connect several Shapes that share the same color. Any change to the swatch will also update any connected Shapes meaning the color need only be changed once.

Rollover a swatch and use the Connector (the connection anchor will appear on rollover) to create a connection to any Layer that has a Color attribute.


Create a Scene Palette swatch by dragging a Library Palette swatch into the Scene Palette window.


Library Palettes and Label Palettes can also be created manually.
