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Render Manager


The Render Manager is the place to output scenes to files. The window consists of two sections – the Header and the Render Queue. The Header at the top contains a few simple controls for submitting renders and the Render Queue at the bottom is where you can drag in Compositions to create Render Queue Items.

  • Adding Compositions to the Render Queue creates Render Queue Items. This can be done by either using the + Current Composition button at the top of the window or by dragging a Composition from the Assets Window into the Render Queue.
  • Render Queue Items are saved with the Scene.
  • Any unchecked Render Queue Items will not render.

Format Features

Selecting a Format to render to will depend on the requirements of the project:

Audio OnlyAudio✔️
Sprite SheetImage✔️

¹ The ProRes 4444 and ProRes 4444 XQ codecs support alpha.

Rendering with Alpha

In order to render with Alpha, don't forget to set the Composition's Background Alpha to 0 via the Composition Settings.

Rendering to MP4

Rendering to H.264/MP4 is restricted to a maximum of 9,437,184 pixels. Any aspect ratio can be rendered but if the widthheightwidth * height of a Composition exceeds this value then it will be scaled down proportionally to the maximum supported resolution when rendering.

More Information

The summary above is a slight simplification. Rendering to H.264/MP4 is restricted to a resolution which contains a maximum of 36,864 macro-blocks.

A macro-block is 16 x 16px so the number of macro-blocks a Composition includes can be calculated as (width/16)(height/16)(width / 16) * (height / 16).

For example, the maximum 16:9 resolution that can be rendered is 4096 x 2304px because (4096/16)(2304/16)=36864(4096 / 16) * (2304 / 16) = 36864.


+ Current Composition - Add the currently active composition to the Render Queue.

Progress Bar - An indication of how complete the entire Render Queue is.

Render All - Start rendering all active Render Queue Items (RQIs) in the Render Queue

Background Rendering - When checked, rendering will be sent to a second process. A temporary copy of the scene file is saved so that it's possible to continue working in Cavalry while the render processes. Assets (except video) are saved to RAM so any changes to these will not affect the final render. Video assets should not be moved or updated during a background render.

Once a Background Render has been launched, the render's status will appear in the Message Bar every 5 seconds plus a final message to confirm when the render has completed.

Dynamic Index - This value can be passed to any other attributes and iterates on a 'per render' basis. e.g. if you have Render Range under the Dynamic tab set to 3 this attribute will pass a value of 0 on the first render, 1 on the second and 2 on the third. See Dynamic Rendering.

Dynamic Index Offset - Offset the Dynamic Index which can be used to preview renders.

Render Queue Item


Expand/collapse - Expand or collapse the Render Queue Item.

Enable/disable - When checked, the Render Queue Item is included in the Render Queue.

Name - A preview of the Render Queue Item's File Name.

Tag - A visual indication of the Render Queue Item's File Format.

Presets - Save, apply or delete a Preset.

Default File Format

If a Preset has been set to 'Set as Default Settings' then the File Format defined by the Preset will be used when creating new RQIs. Otherwise the last used File Format will be used.

Delete - Delete the Render Queue Item.

File Name - Set the output file name.


If you include slash / (macOS) or forward slash \ (Windows) slashes in the File Name, a new directory will be created (if one doesn't exist) on the file system. e.g. MyFolder/Composition1 will output the filename Composition1 in the MyFolder directory.

Frame Range Mode - Select the frame range mode:

  • Composition Start/End - Output the full composition length.
  • Playback Start/End - Output the frames within the Playback Range.
  • Custom... - Set a custom frame range.

Frame Range - Set the Custom frame range.

Use Composition Playback Step - When checked, the Composition's Playback Step will be respected. When unchecked, the default Playback Step of 1 (every frame) will be used.

Padding - Set the frame number padding (e.g. 3 will output image.001.png).

Path - Set the directory to save the output to.

Resolution Scale - A multiplier for the resolution.

Render Quality - Set which Viewport features are rendered. This can be useful for speeding up test renders:

  • High - Full quality using standard anti-aliasing.
  • Balanced (macOS only) - Use multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA). This setting balances performance with quality.
  • Low - Removes Anti-aliasing and any Image Filtering (see Image Shader).
  • Lowest - As per Low but also removes any Filters and Shaders.

Respect Viewport Filtering - When checked, any Layers that have been hidden from the Viewport via Tags will not be rendered. This includes soloing via the Composition > Solo Selection in Viewport command which also uses the tagging system.

Path Preview - Preview the absolute output path.