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The Timeline is the area above the Time Editor or Graph Editor which includes the playhead and also houses Time Markers.

Setting the current frame

  • Click + drag the teal playhead to scrub through the Timeline.
  • Click anywhere in the Timeline to move the playhead to that frame.

Playback Range

Click + drag the teal bookends to set the beginning and end frames for the Playback Range. Click and drag the bar between the start and end points to move the entire Playback Range.

Time Markers

Time Markers can be used to reference significant moments along the timeline and to group Keyframes and Clip ends. Right click in the Timeline to add one.


BSet the Playback Range's beginning.
NSet the Playback Range's end.
Cmd/Ctrl + ⬅︎/Nudge 1 frame increments backwards/forwards in time.
Shift + Cmd/Ctrl + ⬅︎/Nudge 5 frame increments backwards/forwards in time.
Shift + drag the playheadSnap to every 10th frame (0, 10, 20 etc) or to a Time Marker
Option/Alt + Cmd/Ctrl + ⬅︎/Position the playhead at the next keyframe. Selecting Layers, Attributes or keyframes will filter the results.

Hold q + drag to scrub the Timeline from any window.

Option/Alt + Cmd/Ctrl + drag can be used to drag the playhead with the cursor in the Time Editor.


Enable Update the UI during playback in the Viewport Settings to see the playhead animate during playback.