Vignette Filter
Simulate the light falloff characteristic when viewing images through certain types of lenses.

Offset - Offset the position of the Vignette from the centre of the Shape.
Scale - Increase/decrease the size of the Vignette.
Rotation - Rotate the Vignette around the centre of the Shape.
Exposure - Increase/decrease the exposure of the image where the Vignette covers it.
Feather - Increase/decrease how soft the edge of the Vignette is.
Vignette Shape - Select a Shape for the Vignette:
- Circle - A circular shape. Note that the Vignette is stretched to fit the aspect ratio of the Shape.
- Shape - A polygon with an arbitrary number of Sides.
Sides - When the Vignette Shape is set to Shape, determine how many sides the polygon has.
Color - Set the color for the Vignette.