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Signing In

Signing in


An internet connection is required to use Cavalry for the first time.

The first time Cavalry is launched, a sign in window will appear. Use the email and password entered when creating an account during the checkout process to sign in.

If required, network communications can be sent via a proxy server.

Forgotten passwords can be reset via the Forgotten Password button and following the instructions.

Open the About window to check which email is currently signed in.

See Licensing for more info.

Network Status Check

The Sign In window performs two network checks in the background to help diagnose any issues that may be preventing a successful sign in.

Primary network check:

  • Cavalry is Online - Cavalry can communicate over the network/internet.
  • Cavalry is Offline - Either the computer is offline or Cavalry is being prevented from communicating over the network. Check the internet connection is active and confirm any OS or third-party security software (firewall, VPN, etc) is not blocking Cavalry.

Secondary licence server check (this will fail if the primary check has failed):

  • Licence Server Available - Cavalry can communicate with the licence server.
  • Licence Server Cannot be Reached - Either the licence server is down or the licence server URL is being blocked by third-party security software. Check the licence server URL is not 'deny listed' or being blocked by a firewall or other technology or, in the unlikely event that the licence server is down, please try again later.

Signing Out

Go Help > Sign Out... to sign out of Cavalry and open the Sign In window.


If you are able to successfully sign in to your account then you can be sure your email and password are valid/correct.


Please check the following if you experience any issues when signing in to Cavalry:

  • Confirm your machine meets the minimum requirements.
  • Confirm you have a working network connection to the internet.
  • Confirm you are able to successfully sign in to your account with your email and password. If you can, that would indicate your sign in details are valid/correct. If not, please follow the steps to reset your password and try signing in again.
  • Confirm there are no hidden characters (like a trailing space) within your email or password when entering them.
  • If you have more than one licence, open the About window (under the Cavalry menu on macOS or the Help menu on Windows) to confirm you are singing in with the correct email. To sign in with a different email, go Help > Sign Out... to sign out which will then open the Sign In window.
  • Confirm you do not have a firewall or proxy server running on your network. This is more common in corporate environments. If you do, please see Proxy Server.
  • Confirm there are no security systems on your machine imposed by you or your employer that may be preventing communicating with the licence server or writing credentials to the file system. If the latter is true you may see the following message when attempting to sign in – please contact your IT department if this occurs to unblock the process.
    • macOS Unable to save credentials to disk. Please check you have permission to write to the Keychain.
    • Windows Unable to save licence to disk. Please check you have permission to write to the AppData folder.

Deleting credentials

If none of the steps above resolve the issue, it's possible that the licence has been corrupted. To delete any authentication information follow the steps below:


  1. Close Cavalry.
  2. Go to: C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\Cavalry\pdata (AppData is a hidden folder so check 'Hidden Items' in the View options for Explorer).
  3. Delete the entire contents of that folder (cavalry-auth, cavalry-last-email, cavalry-licence, cavalry-web-proxy).
  4. Open Cavalry.
  5. Sign in.


  1. Close Cavalry.
  2. Open Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access.
  3. Search for "app.cavalry".
  4. Delete the keychains that are found (there should be 4 of them).
  5. Open Cavalry.
  6. Sign in.

If any of the files are missing, this may indicate some other process is blocking Cavalry from writing to your file system.

Using the CLI to authenticate

The CLI's auth command can also be used to authenticate a licence.


Proceed with caution when using the command line.


  1. Open Applications/Utilities/
  2. Type: cd /Applications/
  3. Press Return.
  4. Type: ./cavalry-cli auth (replace
  5. Press Return.
  6. Enter your password.
  7. Press Return.


  1. Open Cmd Prompt.
  2. Type: cd C:\Program Files\Cavalry.
  3. Press Return.
  4. Type: .\cavalry-cli auth (replace
  5. Press Return.
  6. Enter your password.
  7. Press Return.

If this fails, please send us the error message returned.

Contact Support

If you continue to experience issues then please email support from the email address your account is associated with including the following information:

  • Operating System (e.g. macOS 13.2.1, Windows 11).
  • Cavalry version (Cavalry 2.0).
  • Let us know if you have ever signed in successfully before. If yes, is this the same machine?
  • Any error messages displayed in the Message Bar (and/or Cmd Prompt on Windows) when the sign in attempt fails.