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Camera Guide

Pro Feature

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A Camera Guide represents the 'view box' of a Camera and can be used to drive its animation. They are drawable (visible in the Viewport) but not renderable so won't appear in any output.

When the Camera's Type is set to Guide the top-most visible Camera Guide will be used to control what's visible in the Camera's view.

Multiple Camera Guides can be added to a Camera and sequenced in the Time Editor to create a 'multi-camera' edit.


Note that when adding a Camera Guide to a Camera, the Camera will be disabled. This is to prevent the inception that would otherwise occur where the Camera is looking through the Camera Guide that is driving its transforms. Once the Camera Guide is set up the Camera can be reenabled to view the resulting animation.


Position - Set the Camera Guide's position. 0,0 is in the centre of the Composition.

Rotation - Set the Camera Guide's rotation (in degrees).

Scale - Set the Camera Guide's scale.

Skew - Slant or shear the Camera Guide along the X or Y axis.

Pivot - Define the pivot point for the Camera Guide. This is useful when animating rotation and scale.

Opacity - Set the Camera Guide's opacity.

Custom Color - By default a Camera Guide will use its label color but when checked the Camera Guide's color can be specified by the Color attribute.

Color - Set a custom color for the Camera Guide.

  1. Create a Rectangle.
  2. Enable 2.5D for the Rectangle in the Scene Tree.
  3. Create a Camera.
  4. Set Type to Guide.
  5. Use the + button on the Input Guides attribute to add and connect a new Camera Guide.
  6. Add some animation to the Position/Rotation etc of the Camera Guide.
  7. Reenable the Camera in the Scene Tree.
  8. Hit Play.