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Component Constraint


Constrain Shapes to the points or edges of another Shape.


Constraint Type - Select the type of constraint to use.

  • Edge Constraint - Constrain a Shape to an edge of the Target.
    • Position Strength - A multiplier to Out Position. Adjusting this value will determine the position of a Shape along a vector between 0, 0 and the transform of the Target.
    • Out Position - Connect this attribute to the Position of another Shape.
    • Rotation Strength - A multiplier to Out Rotation.
    • Out Rotation - Connect this attribute to the Rotation of another Shape.
    • Target - Connect a Shape to constrain to.
    • Index - Select the edge Id to constrain to.
    • Edge Bias - Move a Shape along the edge's length.
    • Normal Bias - Move a Shape along the normal of the edge.
    • Offset - Offset the Position of the Shape.
  • Point Constraint - Constrain a Shape to a point of the Target.
    • Position Strength - A multiplier to Out Position. Adjusting this value will determine the position of a Shape along a vector between 0, 0 and the transform of the Target.
    • Out Position - Connect this attribute to the Position of another Shape.
    • Rotation Strength - A multiplier to Out Rotation.
    • Out Rotation - Connect this attribute to the Rotation of another Shape.
    • Target - Connect a Shape to constrain to.
    • Index - Select the point Id to constrain to.
    • Normal Bias - Move a Shape along the normal of the point.
    • Offset - Offset the Position of the Shape.