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Range Falloff


The Range Falloff is similar to the Falloff in that it can be used to isolate the strength of most Behaviours but rather than using a shape, it uses a range.


Common Attributes +

Strength - A multiplier for the Falloff Graph attribute.

Mode - Determine how the indices within the range are selected:

  • Specific Indices - Manually enter the indices to determine which lines/words/characters are selected.
  • Percentage - The indices will be worked out as a percentage of the total range.

Indices - When the Mode is set to Specific Indices, set the indices to select. Values should be comma , separated for lists or colon : separated for ranges. e.g. 0,1:3,8 will select indices 0, 1, 2, 3 and 8. You can also enter first or last to procedurally select those indices. Note that a space character is included as an index when working with Text.

Start - When the Mode is set to Percentage, set a value for the start percentage.

End - When the Mode is set to Percentage, set a value for the end percentage.

Offset - Set a value to add/subtract from the indices. This can be used to travel/loop the effect of the Range Falloff.

Use Graph - When the Mode is set to Percentage, check this to attenuate the values using the Falloff Graph.

Falloff Graph - See Graph Attribute. The X axis of the Graph represents the total indices within the range.

  1. Create an Ellipse.
  2. Create a Value Behaviour.
  3. Set:
    1. Value to 20.
    2. Offset to 20.
  4. Connect value.idellipse.radius.
  5. Select the Ellipse and click the Duplicator button in the Shelf.
  6. In the Value's Falloff tab, right click > Add Falloff > Range Falloff.
  7. Set the Range Falloff's Mode to Percentage.
  8. Adjust the Start/End values.