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Assets Window


The Assets Window is the place to add and organise external assets and Compositions.

To import an asset either:

  • File > Import Asset...
  • Double click in the Assets Window.
  • Right click in an empty part of the Window and select from the following options:
    • Import Assets... - Import any of the supported file types from the file system.
    • Import Scene... - Import a Cavalry Scene (.cv or .cvc). Importing a .cv will import the entire Scene including any assets and add them to a Group. Importing a .cvc file add the file's contents to the current Composition.
    • Import Image Smart Folder... - Import an Image Smart Folder.
    • Import Audio Smart Folder... - Import an Audio Smart Folder.
    • Import Google Sheet... - Import a Google Sheet Asset.
  • Drag supported assets from your file system into the window.

Dragging supported assets from the file system into the Viewport will also add those assets to the Assets Window. When importing images or videos this way, a Footage Shape will also be created and connected to the asset.

Supported file types:

  • Audio
    • .aac
    • .aif
    • .aiff
    • .caf
    • .mp3
    • .wav
Audio Export

Audio export is a Professional feature.

Embedded audio

Note that audio contained within video assets is not supported.

  • Font
    • .otc
    • .otf
    • .ttf
  • Image/Image Sequence
    • .bmp
    • .exr (single channel only)
    • .ico
    • .jpg
    • .png
    • .psd (flattened only)
    • .webp
  • Movie
    • .apng (Animated pngs will often have a .png file extension. Change this to .apng for it to be recognised as a movie.)
    • .gif
    • .mov
    • .mp4
    • .webm
  • Spreadsheet
  • SVG
    • .svg
  • Text
    • .txt
    • .json

The following codecs are supported for video formats:

  • VP8, VP9.
  • h263, h264, h265 (hvec).
  • MPEG-4.
  • ProRes (422, 422 HQ, 422 LT, 422 Proxy, 4444, 4444 XQ), Motion JPEG, Uncompressed 422.
Maximum Resolution

The maximum resolution supported for image assets is 15360 × 8640px.


Search Bar - Use the search bar to filter the items displayed.

Sort Order - Determine how the items are sorted:

  • None - Items can be manually organised within a hierarchy using drag and drop. This order is saved and restored when switching from None to Name/Type and back to None.
  • Name - Items are ordered alphabetically in ascending order (A-Z, 0-9) based on their Name.
  • Type - Items are grouped based on their Asset Type. Note that this is by 'Type' (Audio, Audio Smart Folder, Composition, Font, Group, Image, Image Sequence, Image Smart Folder, Movie, Spreadsheet, SVG, Text) and not by 'file extension'.

When Sort Order is set to either Name or Type, any manually reordering (drag and drop) is prevented but it is still possible to group items by selecting them and using the Cmd/Ctrl + G hotkey.

Main Window

Items appear in a hierarchy and include an icon to signify their 'Asset Type', a Name and custom Tags (dependent on Asset Type). Items can also be assigned a colour from the current Label Palette for organisational purposes.

To rename an item:

  1. Select an item.
  2. Hit Return.
  3. Type the new name.
  4. Hit Return again or deselect the item to commit the change.

Hover a row to load a preview of the asset. Supported asset types are image, movie (first frame shown), CSV/Google Sheets, Text/JSON and SVG.

Project Settings - See Project Settings.

Folder - Add a folder to the list. This can be used to group Assets/Compositions/Groups for organisational purposes. With an item or items selected, use the Cmd/Ctrl + G hotkey to create a new folder containing the selected items.

Composition - Add a new Composition to the Scene. Dragging an image/video asset onto this button will create a new Composition with its Resolution set to the resolution of the asset.

Trash - With an item or items selected, clicking this button will remove those items from the Scene.