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Corner Pin


The Corner Pin deforms a Shape and can be used to create the illusion of 3d perspective.

Photograph by Yüksel Göz via Unsplash


Common Attributes +

Bind - When checked, the Shape is deformed depending on the position of the Nulls. When unchecked, its Size can be adjusted.

Size - Set the dimensions of the Corner Pin Shape. This can be used as a guide

Top Left - Connect a transform (defaults to a Null).

Top Right - Connect a transform (defaults to a Null).

Bottom Left - Connect a transform (defaults to a Null).

Bottom Right - Connect a transform (defaults to a Null).

Bind Selected Shape (button) - Move each corner to the bounding box of the first selected Shape and Bind it to the Corner Pin.

  1. Create a second Composition (Composition 2).
  2. Double click Composition 2 in the Assets Window to load it into the Scene Window.
  3. Set its Resolution to 600 x 800px via the Composition Settings.
  4. Add some Shapes to Composition 2 (as artwork).
  5. Double click Composition 1 in the Assets Window to load it into the Scene Window.
  6. Create a Corner Pin.
  7. Uncheck Bind.
  8. Set the Width and Height to 600 and 800.
  9. Move the Nulls to each corner of the Corner Pin Shape (use Bounding Box Viewport Snapping to help).
  10. Check Bind.
  11. Drag Composition 2 from the Assets Window into the Scene Window and drop it on to the Corner Pin (the Shape, not the Group) to make it a child of the Shape.
  12. With the Select tool, move the Nulls.

Check out some example Scenes from